T-Shirt Packaging

Make an impression! Choose SPI’s GreenKraft Clamshells to package your t-shirts and apparel. Customize with a wrap around sleeve or branded label.

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Visit SPI’s online store to purchase. For full case pricing request a quote.

See more examples in our Customer Photo Gallery

DIY Packaging Ideas

Our GreenKraft clamshells are easy and fun to customize. Here are a couple “Do It Yourself” tips and suggestions. Have fun and be creative!

Labels and Branding

Personalize your jewelry boxes with colorful wrap around paper sleeves (belly bands / cigar bands) and printed labels. Refer to our list of online digital printers or visit your local copy or print shop to make your own labels or paper sleeves.

Box Set

Make it a box set. Our GreenKraft clamshells are a perfect way to package a set of boxers, socks or t-shirts.